
Showing posts from June, 2019

Custom Hologram Stickers

Hologram stickers are flat glue labels that give the special visualization of containing a 3D picture. They are frequently utilized for security purposes, as 3D image sticker printing is a troublesome procedure that must be imitated utilizing the first “master hologram”. To do this, aa special equipment is required, so therefore numerous forgers are hindered when they see a hologram label. Holograms are made on a glass plate that has been recently treated with iron oxide before being covered with photo resist. The material at that point makes a compound response with the set light waves that are utilized to make the multidimensional image. Business multi-dimensional image producers generally utilize an assortment of laser types, including ruby, helium-cadmium and krypton-argon particle. The enlightenment of a physical item reflects light onto the photoresist surface. In the meantime, the light is anticipated onto the surface. The gathering of these two light emissions result

Tackle Your Counterfeits with Security Holograms

To secure the image of their brands in the market companies very aggressively go for  security holograms . These holographic stickers save and implicate that a product is original and belongs to a particular company. A security label is the identity of a brand and its mother company. Companies opt for these stickers to save and maintain their identity in the market, which is full of frauds and evil-practitioners. They produce-supply the duplicate copies of the original product, and harm the originals by establishing their own market. They attack the image of the manufacturers with their low quality products. They offer great margins to the retailer for  selling their fake products. Retailers, also, get convinced with their offers, and start selling the low quality product. This really affects the image of the original brand. Consumers think that the company has reduced the level and the quality of the brand, and move to some other brand. In most cases in order to harm the growi